30 de enero: Día escolar de la Paz
Los meses de enero y febrero los dedicamos a las actividades "Educación para la Paz" : pequeños y mayores realizan actividades muy diversas para fomentar el valor de la Paz.
Los alumnos participan entusiasmados en las actividades conmemorativas del Día de la Paz, en un magnífico día en el patio disfrutamos cantando la canción de Juanes "Odio por Amor".
30th January : THE DAY OF PEACE
In the frame of our project IDEAS we are working at the moment with the objective
" Education for Peace" with many activities such as:
- Symbols of Peace: pictures, drawings, stickers, posters and murals.
- My peaceful diary: poems, motto, quotations, photograps , comics newspaper clippings...
- Cooperative games and activities.
All the students fron the little children to the older are learning poems, songs, stories, related to Peace, according to their age. All of them are making pictures and drawing to decorate our school with murals and posters.
Pupils from Year 5 is creating a personal notebook
called "My peaceful diary", and they are learning more about the peanting GUERNICA, as a symbol of Peace.