martes, 2 de abril de 2013

Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born April 2, 1805 in Odense, Denmark. His family was so poor that sometimes had to sleep under a bridge, and beg. He was the son of a shoemaker and 22 years old, well educated but sickly, a washerwoman of Protestant faith. Andersen spent his mother the tale the little match girl, by extreme poverty, just as it is useless, because of his alcoholism. From an early age, Hans Christian showed a great imagination that was encouraged by the indulgence of both parents and the superstition of the mother. His father died in 1816 and Andersen ceased to attend school; He devoted himself to read all the works that could be achieved, including those of William Shakespeare and Ludwig Holberg.
Their best-known tales: •the Wild Swans ugly duckling •the •the angel intrepid •the Tin •the Princess soldier •Pulgarcita and pea •the Nightingale •the •the little match-seller •the Emperor's new clothes reina de las nieves •the Little Mermaid •the •the swineherd 

¡QUE TODOS LOS NIÑOS DE TODOS LOS RINCONES DEL MUNDO PUEDAN DISFRUTAR DE LOS LIBROS! (May all the children from all over the world enjoy the books)
Hoy ,2 de Abril celebramos el Día Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil.

Se ha elegido esta fecha en conmemoración del nacimiento de
 Hans Christian Andersen
el gran creador de libros infantiles.  

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